Electronic overload relays for IEC contactors are compact, high-featured units that provide reliable, accurate protection for applications requiring ease of use and flexibility. Offered in various amperage capacities, models are available with configurable parameters, self-powered, and with communications capabilities.
IEC overload relays provide reliable and accurate electronic or thermal protection from device or component overload or phase loss. Available in various amperage capacities, models are available with configurable parameters, self-powered, and with communications capabilities.
All motor contactor installations can benefit from overload protection, and can be used to create a complete starter. IEC overload relays are available that are designed to work with each offered brand’s contactors, as well as stand-alone units that can be used with any brand or style of contactor. Electronic overloads offer the latest protection technology; thermal overloads offer reliable protection at low prices.
Accessories for overload relays for IEC contactors include remote reset modules, communication modules, panel mount adapters, DIN rail mount adapters, and heater pack elements.