Edison open-style terminal blocks are a convenient way to manage your power distribution needs. Optional safety covers are available for added protection.- Open-style terminal blocks for cable termination
- SCCR rating of 200kA with copper conductors and an SCCR of 10 kA for aluminum conductors
- Used in UL508A panels for branch circuit applications
- Standard aluminum box connectors accommodate copper wire. PB401x, PB512x and PB712x series accommodate copper or aluminum wire.
- Tin-plated aluminum connectors suitable for copper conductors
- Available safety covers for greater protection (purchase separately)
- Suitable for both factory and field wiring
Edison PB series UL 1059-recognized open-style power distribution blocks are suitable for use in UL508A panels to manage power branching, as well as provide tap-off points. These panel-mounted blocks offer a high short-circuit current rating of 200kA, and are available in a variety of pole configurations and a range of amperage ratings.
We offer distinctly different styles of short-circuit current rated (SCCR) power distribution blocks (PDBs) and terminal blocks (TBs) to match different application needs. The differences are whether the power distribution blocks are enclosed or not, and whether they are UL1953 Listed PDBs or UL1059 Recognized TBs, which have different minimum spacing requirements.
- Assembly short-circuit current ratings (SCCRs) are now required in the 2005 NEC® and UL508A Listed Industrial Control Panels.
- Marking the SCCR on Industrial Control Panels (NEC® 409.110), Industrial Machinery Electrical Panels (NEC® 670.3(A)), and HVAC equipment (NEC® 440.4(B)) is now required by the National Electrical Code.
- Power distribution blocks or terminal blocks not marked with an SCCR are typically one of the weakest links and may limit an assembly to no more than 10 kA SCCR.
- The EPDB series and HPB series power distribution blocks have increased spacing required where used in feeder circuits in equipment listed to UL508A. The PB series UL1059 terminal blocks must be evaluated for proper spacing.
- Also, for building wiring systems, the EPDB series and HPB series power distribution blocks can be used to meet the 2005 NEC® requirements in section 376.56(B) for power distribution blocks in wireways.